Thursday, April 17, 2014

Adventure at the Masai Mara

Masai Mara is an all year safari destination. sometimes though there are people who their main reason to visit there is to see the great wildebeest migration and if that is main reason then the best time to go there is July, August to the end of November. That is when there is the wildebeest migration. And it is a spectacular view.This year however I decided to tour Masai Mara at the beginning of the year since I had gone home to visit my parents. I may have made it sound like I have been there before but it was actually my first time there.  And I was anxious to go on Safari. It was an amazing time to actually get to go and appreciate the beauty of the animals living in their natural habitat.We booked our 3 days 2 nights itinerary with the Rupu tours. They have great discounts all year around. The fees paid do not include the park entrance fees, but it is inclusive of meals accommodation in en-suite rooms and a tour guide. I personally felt it was a good deal worth trying.We were picked up by the van in the morning and left for the Mara.It took us almost 5 -6 hours. After 3 hours or so we got to Narok the stop over for lunch and snacks. We had spent so much time on the road waiting for another group of tourist to join our van.  After lunch we embarked on the road again to the Mara now. From here road gets bumpy and really bad. Not advisable if one is travelling with a young one. It was like a really rough horse ride. That is why they advise one drives there with a 4*4 van/vehicle. It is was a long journey. After getting to Masai Mara the tour guide had to collect our park entrance fees and then escorted us to our hotels where we would spend the rest of our nights and also showed us dining hall where we would have our meals.


We drove just a little bit in the evening before dinner.


Started the day off quite early. We had to shower with cold water since this area only operates on generator which is turned on at 6:00. It is supposed to heat the water but sill did not work for us. OTL
But the sunrise was beautiful all in all. It was good seeing this sight {below} first thing in the morning!

Second day was quite a success. We spent the whole day in the park driving around looking for animals.
We saw more that we had the previous day and also got to camp under a tree for lunch.
It was freaky as we had to be on the look out just in case and animal came running around or suddenly appeared, but the tour guide had assured us that that part of the park was safe and that he had camp there for lunch with other groups before!

An early morning game drive which we spent most of the time looking for leopards to a fail. But we still got to see lots and lots of elephants before leaving for Nairobi again.
I also got to take a shot of the legendary tree that stands by itself. It was amazing to see most of the animals.
The only animals I did not get to see were the leopards and the rhino. But I could get to see the Rhino later at Nakuru so it did not bother me.

It was an amazing experience for me and my boyfriend since it was also his first time in Africa.

Lotsa love

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mombasa Beach Kenya

Hello there!!!!
It has been an amazing week since I uploaded last. I am still uploading my travel to Kenya.
This is the Kenyan beach!! It was beautiful and amazing. 
The Nyali Beach! :)
Most of these pictures include the view from my hotel
At the Nyali beach Shanzu there is a string of hotel ranging from the Voyager, Sarova white sands, Bamburi Beach, Nyali International Beach and Kenya Bay Beach. There are many more but these are the ones are located closely to each other. There are also clubs and bars which play music at night.
There is a variety of things to do around here and it is actually very easy to navigate and found your way around.
The only thing that made my trip there somehow disappointing is the amount of beach boys following us around trying to sell us their  artwork or peanuts. It was so hard to take a walk at the beach sometimes without having them to follow us around and it was not that easy to get rid of them.
Another thing that shocked me is the amount of prostitutes.  At night it was a scene to watch!! Young girls with Old white men and young boys with granny's  Anyway that is not for me to judge!

Palm Trees everywhere!!

A camel ride is worth the try among-est other activities like scuba diving, para-sailing and many more.

I found some extra pictures on my drive that show some parts of the beach view and i felt why not add them and share them with you. 

It was so much fun!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Duck face :)


There comes time to go and visit those you love and those of the same blood. I have not visited Kenya in  3 years now. Korea has been like a second home to me. I have met some lovely people, friendships, relationships and also real life experiences in Asia. For the time that I have been here on Korea I have also come to grow more and even learn how to live dependently by myself without having to depend on my parents. I miss them though.

I have gained some of the best stories to share with other people and I have also come to disregard some of the known stereotypes about Asia. I am  not going back for good I will be travelling back for the new semester.

My mum will be so proud of me when she see's me"

this was in my draft and I just realized that I did not post it. shame that it has to come after I have already posted about my going to Kenya.
Here is me and my mum cracking when I tried to show her how to do the duck face which was followed by a series of laughter....
lool it was so funny

 Me  trying to show her the duck face

Love and care Phyllis

Kenyan Trip

I was counting days to get back home since it had been so long since I last visited and I couldn't wait to just see everybody and hug everybody and just be a part of them once again. But it was taking too long for that to happen.So I decided to ask for a two  months week vacation from my work place two weeks before I even had to go home, so that I could sit around and count the days that never really seemed to pass by.I had longed for the fresh air, the matatu craze, the food and all the love coming from the sides of the country. Oh my Chai from the thermos. 
I already sound to selfish not mentioning my family and friends.I couldn't wait to see the new member of our family. Jayleen.

Me and my bro left here Seoul at 1am for Kenya. With the long flight it was tiring but that is how i knew that I was really curious to get home. I could not sleep through out the whole flight. 
Our Abudhabi flight got delayed for almost an hour which saw us arrive in Nairobi an hour late. In Nairobi {not trying to diss or anything) but when i got to the airport it really hit me that I was back home and it was as the same as I had left it. the slow moving lines. A huge group of people anxiously waiting to get out of the Airport  were being attended to by only three attendants. It took us an hour to get out:(
I am going to skip the one hour story of how we struggled on the lines and us shouting at  people who thought they were more important and decided not to follow the queue.

It was amazing seeing my family again the tears, everyone had changed so much. My younger brother had grown taller than everyone else including my dad who is the tallest in my family. My mum had added some weight which was god news to me since she had lost so much the before I left. 
It was awesome eating the food that I had not eaten for a long time.

My dad had slaughtered his favorite goat which he had fattened on preparation for us going back home. I lack words to express how great getting home was.

I will stop there for now cos I know I could write a novel about it.

It was one of the best days I had had in a long time!!

Love and care,