Friday, March 21, 2014

Duck face :)


There comes time to go and visit those you love and those of the same blood. I have not visited Kenya in  3 years now. Korea has been like a second home to me. I have met some lovely people, friendships, relationships and also real life experiences in Asia. For the time that I have been here on Korea I have also come to grow more and even learn how to live dependently by myself without having to depend on my parents. I miss them though.

I have gained some of the best stories to share with other people and I have also come to disregard some of the known stereotypes about Asia. I am  not going back for good I will be travelling back for the new semester.

My mum will be so proud of me when she see's me"

this was in my draft and I just realized that I did not post it. shame that it has to come after I have already posted about my going to Kenya.
Here is me and my mum cracking when I tried to show her how to do the duck face which was followed by a series of laughter....
lool it was so funny

 Me  trying to show her the duck face

Love and care Phyllis

Kenyan Trip

I was counting days to get back home since it had been so long since I last visited and I couldn't wait to just see everybody and hug everybody and just be a part of them once again. But it was taking too long for that to happen.So I decided to ask for a two  months week vacation from my work place two weeks before I even had to go home, so that I could sit around and count the days that never really seemed to pass by.I had longed for the fresh air, the matatu craze, the food and all the love coming from the sides of the country. Oh my Chai from the thermos. 
I already sound to selfish not mentioning my family and friends.I couldn't wait to see the new member of our family. Jayleen.

Me and my bro left here Seoul at 1am for Kenya. With the long flight it was tiring but that is how i knew that I was really curious to get home. I could not sleep through out the whole flight. 
Our Abudhabi flight got delayed for almost an hour which saw us arrive in Nairobi an hour late. In Nairobi {not trying to diss or anything) but when i got to the airport it really hit me that I was back home and it was as the same as I had left it. the slow moving lines. A huge group of people anxiously waiting to get out of the Airport  were being attended to by only three attendants. It took us an hour to get out:(
I am going to skip the one hour story of how we struggled on the lines and us shouting at  people who thought they were more important and decided not to follow the queue.

It was amazing seeing my family again the tears, everyone had changed so much. My younger brother had grown taller than everyone else including my dad who is the tallest in my family. My mum had added some weight which was god news to me since she had lost so much the before I left. 
It was awesome eating the food that I had not eaten for a long time.

My dad had slaughtered his favorite goat which he had fattened on preparation for us going back home. I lack words to express how great getting home was.

I will stop there for now cos I know I could write a novel about it.

It was one of the best days I had had in a long time!!

Love and care,